Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My last blog!!!

I have found that as the semester has progressed I have changed the way that I look at things. I now see themes from the class in nearly everything that happens every day. I have become conscious of how these themes are part of our everyday life. The books that we read throughout the semester have also given me a new appreciation for things that I do not understand, particularly Finnegans Wake and The Four Quartets. I have even made it a goal of mine to read Finnegans Wake in its entirety. I have come to terms with the fact that this will be a lifelong endeavor, but I will keep the book by my bed and try to read a little at time, when I have the time. Our look at the book in class has given me a strange comfort with the unknown and the incomprehensible. I still do not understand the meaning of 'emergent' in 'emergent literature' but I do understand the relevance of themes we covered in class in my life.

Group presentations

The characters anonymous video was great. It really accounted for most of the readings for the class. The voiceover and the jazz music in the background brought Bukowski to mind. I really enjoyed the Malone, Prospero, and Neo characters.

Brianne has skillz

I just wanted to comment on the best individual presentation that I saw in class. Brianne's rap was off the hook. Great lyrics, great rhymes, great idea. I loved it.

Group Presentations

I really liked both of today's presentations. Though it was difficult to follow the 20 minute lifetime skit at times, it was funny and I was able to pick up on a few of their ideas. I really liked how they used the projector screen as a kind of stage backdrop. I loved the video that the world as myth and dream put together. I thought it was hilarious when they did the naked scene and the pregnancy scene. Really good video.

Paper subject

I am going to write my paper about the television series Lost and how the themes of the class can be found in the show. I am especially concerned with the relationship between the themes and the show concerning time, the eternal return, dolce domum, and the similarities between the show and the book The Tempest.

Blogging has taught me nothing

I don't really read anyone else's blog so I did not really learn anything from anyone's blog. The only time I learned from anyone's blog was when someone's blog was brought up in class.

What is the Matrix?

"The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." -Morpheus