Sunday, January 24, 2010


Last night I had to eighty-six a a young man from the bar at which I work. He was far too drunk, hammered, pissed, shit-faced to be in the bar or, in my opinion, any public setting. He and his friend were arguing for a few minutes and cussing at each other when, out of nowhere, the two burst into tears and were crying their eyes out, sobbing like children, turning on the waterworks. This told me that these two had had their last beers. When I told them that I would not serve them anymore, they got angry and started cussing at me. So, I told them they had to leave, scram, take off, get out of Dodge. On their way out the door they had more insults and complaints for me, but I took the high road and simply said "so long, farewell, adios, au revoir, don't come back!"